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I’m day two postpartum and my question is… what the actual f**k just happened? – an opinion-based blog
Charley Robertson Charley Robertson

I’m day two postpartum and my question is… what the actual f**k just happened? – an opinion-based blog

I always wanted 3 kids. So did my husband. We talked about it before we got married. We threw names around. We wondered if we’d have two boys and a girl, or two girls and a boy. Imagine if we had 3 girls and they all possessed my stubbournness. Would we survive it? Mmm… Not sure.

Let’s just hope I can actually fall pregnant for starters.

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Let’s talk about the pelvic floor – An evidence-based blog
Charley Robertson Charley Robertson

Let’s talk about the pelvic floor – An evidence-based blog

Did you know that the terms ‘pelvic floor’ and ‘pelvic floor muscles’ are technically two different things?

It’s true. They’re actually not interchangeable terms.

In 2017 a bunch of researchers from two different associations (International Urogynecological Association (IUGA) and International Continence Society (ICS)) came together to create a report that would clear up the terminology related to female pelvic floor dysfunction.

Why do I need to know this? Let me just do my kegels and get on with it.

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